Saturday, August 27, 2011

Working right along, Off for the next four days, Build queue info.

Jason M's frame at inception. I did swap out the straight gauge 4130 tube (the black one) out for a butted .76/.5/.76mm tube after conferring with him that he was and is not a bike breaker, just quite tall.........

Fast forward & we have a lanky BLO (bicycle like object) soon to be a frame. We are out of here for a much needed & well deserved break for four days to go fishin' and kayaking and will be back on Thursday Sept. 1st back at it.

M-Beth's three speed mountain cruiser at full polish pre-braze ons - the shiniest stage.

Completed & ready to go to paint.

H2O re-enforcement post dunktank.

Minimal cleanup on the spearpoints.

pre-filed framebuilder's view.

Ditto here. Good practice for the couple of no file frames coming up.

Some quality time with my lovely wife on the mountain.

That's good stuff!

Got pollen?

Almost rode straight through this orb web spider. Glad i didn't. A good 1.5" leg span.

EP wrapping up his track frame project. Kaisei tubes & Henry James lugs = 1.16 kilo.

Awesome sunflower season!

Just really busy, working in the shop & getting out for a ride every 5-6 days. Really stoked to take four days off - back on Sept. 1st.

Sooooo - here is my build queue schedule. I am trying to do a new setup, especially seeing Ant-Bike-Mike doing some thing similar. I am scheduling two "projects" per month as it seems that more & more it's not frames but "projects" - frame, fork, custom wheels + full build - no two the same. That's allot of time! I am hoping that this setup will make it less stressful on me as then I can concentrate on "projects" rather then just try to pipeline one after the other as fast as possible. I will be able to give more time to each project this way as they get very confusing when three or more of them overlap plus I need time for my projects as well - I just got a handcycle built for myself I have been trying to get going for three years. Projects may very well get done quicker but this is as close as I can get to a very concrete absolute delivery schedule, as long as no personal disasters occur

So: here by month are my current projects.

Jason M: in the jig, off to paint ASAP.

Sept: Chris P. Doug H. Oct: Justin F. John A. Nov: Hunter S. Greg B. Dec: Jim Rhodes, Mark W. Jan: Beth R. CWN. Feb: Brett M. Chris N. March: Melissa F. April: Noah C. Michael L. May: Nick K. Rex C.

That should be what I have going on as well as an experimental racing machine coming out soon, a trip to Baja & likely rowing the Grand Canyon next year while my body still can and working on the farm. Thanks everyone so much! - Steve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on man. Sounds like a solid plan with the scheduling. I did something similar with my business a while back. It's always better to be ahead and possibly get an extra day off to ride or rest, than feel like you're behind the 8-ball a lot of the time!

I miss the monsoon sunflowers...
