Mary - your frame is back! i though
i'd post it and let you choose the sticker color - black, silver, yellow, or red?
Brian's frame is coming along. quite the problem solving exercise, not allot if info out there for this kind of bike - a road/cross/disc/campy bike. it's going to be way cool. i know some other frame builders were tracking this to see what i would come up with.
sooo - here's my final tubing list selection - head tube, 36mm
tange prestige {from 1994! vintage!} top tube and down tube = 32mm x .8/.5/.8 true temper
verus heat treated,
seat tube = .9/.6
TT verus with
seat tube sleeve,
dedacciai zero-
tre round/oval/round chain stays, paragon bottom bracket and dropouts.
i'm still figuring out the seat stays.
i'm going to come up with something nice......overall, this has been a very challenging build {as have the last two} but, you never get better at anything by just hanging out in your comfort zone. that said,
i'm sorta looking forward to a *fairly* easy build!

checking the disc
clearance with the 130mm rear disc hub with a 160mm rotor installed. OK!

check out this tired soldier! it's my 1987 yeti FRO! i raced the shit out of this thing, had it as my only form of transportation, and rode it across New
Zealand for over three months in 89'-90'. then it was stolen in 91' and i didn't see it for TEN YEARS until i found it in a pile of junk outside of a gutted house with everything missing except for the
Phil Wood BB! i put it right back into commuter service until i started building bikes in 03' and it's parts got stripped for one of my 1st frames, and it's been sitting around in the shed since then. when S
cotty and
Tracy just passed through town to pick up her new road frame i sent it with him to live in S
Colorado's absolute bikes bike
museum. check it out if you are there. Shawn G
illis, the shop's owner used to race with me in the 80's when i was still on it!
i'm basically here "blogging" right now as i just got back from the dentist to get a new crown and it feels like
i've been kicked in the jaw & it's just hard to concentrate on creating when you feel like that, at least for me, your results may vary.......
i'll see how the day goes.
i'm going riding tomorrow before the first big snow of the year {allegedly} hits the area.
i'll get your bike out ASAP, bike boxes seem really scarce for some reason right now & i have to prep it today as soon as
i'm up to it, and
i'm hoping to get your frame brazed this weekend. cheers, all -
Hey Steve, your yeti is quite the relic. Glad you found a good home for it. One question though. Was that shoulder pad common mutant equipment? Just messing with you. Hope you jaw feels better and that things are going well.
Wild story about your Yeti Steve. I almost got one of those back in 1989, but opted for a Merlin instead (still riding the 1996 frame).
I was in Absolute Bikes, Salida last August. That'll be a good home for it.
Awesome vintage shot! I was actually riding mountain bikes when the FRO was the rig to have. Got to love that big, rounded rear triangle. Good story,too.
LOL, I remember the night it was stolen well, or at least the beginning of that night, though even thats a little hazy. I did wake up in the drunk tank the next morning as I recall. Were there any clues when you found the frame to who might have taken it?
is that Derek Law? dude - drop me a line! steve.
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