Saturday, January 12, 2008

gonna go biking today!

looks like the weather is allowing me to go biking today! been working every day since the 1st of the month. whew. here's some done-done pictures of ray's bike with it's cornucopia of braze ons. it's off to get a coat of glossy black. "touring camo." and, i got a good running start at keri's bike. she owns biff's bagels on the southside of downtown. stop on in for a bite and a hot cuppa joe when you're in town. she rides alot, and i'd bet that you're likely to see this baby at endurance races throughout the west.also, some wound progress, and a random shop pic......gotta go see if i can find my riding stuff, thanks for tuning in, steve.

1 comment:

Japhy rider said...

i like that touring bike, almost as much as ol' Rosinante. 3 years of occasional gonzo-abusive trail tours and it's just getting better. that, and its saddle is finally breaking in.

nice quiver of spokes! have fun biking.

Japhy rider

ps- snaining here in the rainshadow of the Sierras today. no biking for a while.