howdy, all. just droppin' a few pics befor we split on a three day kayaking trip upstream of lee's ferry on the colorado river to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary. gorgeous scenery, great boating and {hopefully} stellar trout fishing! we try to go have fun on our anniversaries since i spent our fourth in a coma......anyhoo, here's chris's bike all polished up pre-brazeons. the frames look really cool before you put the doo-dads on, it's the shinest it gets, and all the flux makes the frame start corroding as soon as you rinse it off. and, i know what you're thinking, so i'll beat you to it: NO CLEARCOATED COCONINO FRAMES!!! there, i said it. it just doesn't last and all it does is give you a "clear" view of the rust spiderwebbing under the clearcoat. clear sticks to paint, not metal. also, sorry for the fuzzy pics, i still haven't figued out how to get a good pic of polished frames, something with the reflection. also, a great pic of denise riding waterline road courtesy of giddie. thanks! the leaves are changing up there, but the early freeze coupled with wet weather may keep us from having the absolutely stellar fall colors of last year.....oh well, the south side has yet to go off, i may be proven wrong....i thought i was wrong once but as it turns out, i was mistaken, as the saying goes.....and, i bet many of you wonder what i do in my leisure time. well, here it is. kitty wrestling. i almost always win! there you go. back on the 15th with cool pics, hopefully some of trophy rainbows.....later, steve.
I like the color of her bike..
The pic of Denise needs to be converted to a painting for the cover of Dirt Rag. :)
Keep on trailBRAZING!
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