finally remembered to bring the camera on an armbike ride! this one took us to turkey creek trail in sedona. it climbs 1000ft. in 3 miles up the north face of house mtn. with great views of the red rock country. although it starts out pretty wide, as you get higher it turns to flagstone ledges and finally, when you hit the pinyon/juniper, it turns to really pretty lava with some great lichen. just hanging out for the holidaze, trying to catch up on the ever lengthening bike order list, right now i have one back from paint, 2 at paint, 1 ready to go to paint but waiting for a fork, and one i'm still polishing, day 2. busy. interest in frameblocks has really took off, i'm quite surprised, many are allready sold when i get them! as soon as i get them out, i have some more ideas for framebuilding tools that i'm gonna get made for sale. how do people get bored? man, that's something i don't get. i could keep 4 steve garros busy! thanks for checking out my blog! i'm trying to keep it interesting. also, if you do not have a blog, or post an anonymous comment, i cannot reply to you, but i really appreciate the comments/feedback! steve.
Steve, keep up the great work! You're an inspiration to us all! Merry Christmas!!
Keith Hughes
I've been following on since the begining, keep up the beautiful work. I'm always looking forward to what comes next.
If I were to change my name to Steve Garro Could I have a job?
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